Tuesday 28 July 2015


There has been some people asking why the confederate flag was flying at the recent National Front march in Wakefield. Well the answer is South Wales NF branch decided to take and fly the flag after the recent decisions in certain US southern states  to remove it from government buildings etc. The decision to fly the flag by the branch was unanimous with the branch members as although South Wales NF are fiercely proud of being Welsh and also proud to be part of the British Union, the branch, and indeed the National Front as a whole, are nationalists who stand by the 14 words and support White Pride World Wide.

Seeing the confederate flag being pushed out of American history by the left wing and other weird scum, it is just another attack on white history and culture just like the true flag of South Africa and the flag of Rhodesia (albeit the other side of the world from the UK). Nations, States, Cultures all created by the white man! Now being destroyed by the traitorous left wing and other races!

This is why at National Front parades you will always see these flags flying!


1 comment:

  1. I'm from the south of United states ,I was surprised to be watching a cop show from Wales an in the police station they had an American an Confederate flag, my dad is from England my name is Lawrence but I was happy yo Dee the flags
