Saturday 18 October 2014

South Wales NF visit Cwmbran Town Centre

This morning a group of South Wales National Front activists descended on the town centre of Cwmbran. "Armed" with their new anti-immigration leaflet, the Patriots unfurled their banner and flew the union flag as they started to had these leaflets out to the local shoppers in the area.

After 35 minutes of a brief flow of leaflets being accepted  by the public, 3 security guards approached the group. The guards informed the patriots that they were on private land which the company does not allow any political demonstrations or the handing out of leaflets. After a brief discussion with the guards the
patriots were made aware that Cwmbran is only 1 of 2 towns in the UK where the town shopping centre is run by a private firm, the other being in Scotland!

The Nationalists then asked why an armed forces charity stall was allowed there. The reply was that they had  PAID to be there and if the Nationalists wanted to contact the company and PAY they too may be allowed a stall! This was confirmed by the charity stall itself as the gentlemen manning the stall told us they are CHARGED well over £150 a week by the firm to be allowed to hold a stall!!

"Is this the future for British towns and Cities?" The Nationalists asked themselves, where capitalism is used to force a communist agenda!!

While this discussion between the Nationalists and security guards was ongoing, leaflets were still being handed out and drew the attention of the general public. The Patriots then agreed to leave the area, however they did leave via the "scenic route" and handed out more leaflets as they left the area, even passing leaflets to drivers in
the car parks.

Although this morning of action was cut short, hundreds of leaflets were handed out and the South Wales public were shown there is an alternative to the old gang parties and the "career politicians".


  1. Good job! Proud of ya! -Melissa W.

  2. We need more of these activists to make a bigger public appearance!
