Thursday 21 November 2013

Statement by the National Front CHAIRMAN.

Dear all,
Those of you that have today visited the National Front website may be a little confused with the statement that was put up during the night by the former Chairman Mr Ian Edward.
The website was hacked in the night by a small team surrounding themselves with Mr Edward.
They have changed the hosting company, removed all of our content and of course changed all of the pass words, this is of course a criminal act.
Ian Edward resigned his position as Chairman earlier on this year and myself Kevin Bryan was elected unopposed by the Directorate.
Ian Edward, Bernadette Jaggers and Steve Rowland had all resigned their positions within the Party but were not happy with myself being the replacement for Ian Edward, the 3 of them have been causing as much trouble as possible ever since. The big stumbling block being that Ian Edward is still registered as party Chairman and nominating officer with the Electoral Commission.
Ian Edward sent all of the Directorate his resignation (twice) and also the fact that he wanted removing from all Electoral Commission correspondence.
What he is now doing is refusing to sign the Commissions forms to remove him.
The Party has sent in new forms with me as Chairman and Dave McDonald as Nominating Officer, they have cashed the cheque which means they have accepted the changes but refuse to implement them until Edwards signs his form.
They have also changed the message on the old answer phone machine claiming that they(sic) are the official National Front, this they certainly are not!
Steve Rowland has also been ringing members asking them to support Ian Edward, if you receive such a call please give them a polite NO.
On the website they claim they have 6 branches supporting them to call an EGM, this is complete nonsense as 1 of the branches Essex is currently suspended and 2 of them have never been ratified by the Directorate.
Please be patient with us as we will get the situation sorted, we do have another website up, we also have the official National Front face book page and other mediums.
Many thanks
Kevin Bryan
National Front.


  1. Edward is a spent force Kevin Byran is the National Front chairman.
