Saturday 7 September 2013

South Wales NF Gwent Meeting

Today, Saturday 7th September, around 30 nationalists gathered in a meeting room in a Gwent Valley public house. Adam Lloyd chaired the meeting and started the meeting by saying how happy both himself and the branch were with  Kevin Bryan becoming the new party chairman. He then went on the give a branch report and news of a change in roles for the branch and its organising committee. Mr Lloyd announced that he himself has become the new branch organiser after Sion Owens stepped down for personal reasons, although Sion will still remain an active and valued member of the branch. Everyone at the branch would like to thank Mr Owens for his time as the first SWNF Organiser.

New Organiser Mr Lloyd also spoke about some new positions in a new "sub committee" that will help out with the everyday running roles within the group. These are a SW East contact: Tony Rogers, SW West contact: Steven Baker and Merchandise manager: Andrew Baker.

Next up was new SW East Contact, Tony spoke about the mess the current and previous governments have
made of this once great country!

He was then followed by Luke from the F.R.A.N. Collective, speaking about White Pride Day UK that many NF members and supporters attended last year. After this Branch Organiser, Mr Lloyd then spoke about about the White Working Class and the betrayal of the Working Class by the paedophile infested Labour party! At this point a break was taken with raffle tickets and SWNF Merchandise sold to raise branch funds.

After the break the meeting resumed with an interesting speech by NF supporter, Karen White-British. She spoke about a little known, European racial nationalist. This speech was well received and it was great to seen Karen speak for the second time at a SWNF meeting!

Just before the close of the meeting, Mr Lloyd then drew the raffle and a collection was held bringing the days fund raising to well over £100!

Many thanks to all that attended and to all the speakers!

South Wales National Front


  1. Brilliant meeting, Im so glad the National Front is back,

  2. Gwent area has been lacking a strong Nationalist presence, keep up the good work!
