Sunday 3 March 2013

White Pride Day - Response and Justification

By Mr. N.S. Wales..

White Pride Day - Response and Justification 

The White Pride demonstration to be held in Swansea on the 9th March has sparked a hysterical reaction from various plebeian and asocials elements, the most militant of those opposed to our demonstration appear to be situated outside of the city. Already accusations being lobbied against us by the antifascists are proving inconsistent, as both the British Resistance and the UAF and Antifa mobilize nationally, it will not just be us busing in supporters. 

Further disinformation pertaining to who is organizing the demonstration has also appeared on the internet, generated solely by those who wish to derail the march and scupper organizations who fight for the interest of Whites everywhere. This relates to the false label ascribed to the march, that of it being organized purely by the National Front, this is not the case. 

The march is being organized and supported by a collective of independent nationalists; ranging from those engaging in the electoral battle, to those engaging in the 'battle of ideas', and those engaged in counter-cultural struggle and those who attempt to play on the current divisions within the National movement by painting the march an exclusively-NF one will find their efforts frustrated. 

The antifascists appear to also be either illiterate or deliberately misinforming the public over the motivation of the march, accusing the march of being a platform from which 'they will be spewing their Racial hatred'[1]. This accusation is baseless, the assumption being that the demonstration has a meaning beyond an expression of pride - that the demonstration is party political, it is not.

It is appropriate here to explain the raison d'etre behind the march. At an unknown time in the distant past, before the author of this piece was even born, the establishment decided in its infinite wisdom that Britain was too bland, too gentile, too boring - too homogeneous.

They decided upon a policy of diversity and to open our shores to all and sundry, the world would come to these shores and 'brighten the place up'. This policy of disparaging our traditional life and the makeup our Islands since the first peoples arrived [2] has lead to a disastrous consequences for our people, as a cohesive group. 

We have been subject to a process of marginalization - we have been cast to the fringes of public discourse, our interests as a national community have been ignored by those who are supposed to represent us.
It is worth here diverging somewhat from the controversy around the White Pride demonstration and reflect upon the treason that has been inflicted upon us by those those in power. Our education system used to educate children into a common culture, now children are taught to despise their British heritage and have alien customs taught to them instead of our own historical narrative.

A surplus of labour has been engineered both through the European Union free movement of peoples and the importation of hundreds of thousands from across the globe without adequate provision, in terms of employment, being made for them. This is advantageous to the oligarchical elite that run the country, as a labour surplus facilitates in the undermining of workers rights, reasonable pay and appropriate working conditions.
Simultaneous to this undercutting of the working conditions British workers have fought for since the martyrdom of the Tolpuddle farm labourers in 1834, our people have been demoralized, it can also be noticed here a convergence with the previously mentioned 'process of marginalization'. It is certain that everyone reading this will have heard the mantra of the pro-immigration lobby 'British workers are lazy', this groundless anti-British comment is omnipresent in the immigration debate and every bit as racist as if the author of this piece attacked Indian, Nigerian or Brazilian workers for their innate laziness.

These examples illustrate the pathologizing of British and White identity and this is why it is necessary for all those wishing to see our national rebirth to join the protest on 9th March. If the indigenous British are to regain their identity as White people and as British people it is necessary for us to organize and to retaliate vis-a-vis demonstrations like this. 

For ultimately, why should people not be proud of their race? Or rather, in a world where thousands of organizations exist to advance the interests of every other racial, religious, ethnic and sectional group; from Asian Lawyers Associations, to Black Police Officers Associations, why then can White people not organize in our own interests especially as our own identity has been disprivileged to such an extent within what is ostensibly a White country? 

White people have everything to be proud of, I will be attending the march to honour the great White composers, Wolfgang Mozart, J.S. Bach, Vivaldi and Elgar; the White scientists Galileo, Edison, Tesla and Shockley; the White authors Dickens, Shakespeare, Chesterton and Austen; the White philosophers Evola, Hegel, Fichte and Plato. These White people contributed great things to the world, changing it irrevocably, forever, and like any other collective group, we take pride in those of our people that accomplish great things. 


[2] The central hypothesis in Origins of the British: A Genetic Detective Story by Stephen Oppenheimer 


  1. I have been battling this in our nation (America) for years. My book White Privilege and The Wheel of Oppression is all about this nonsense. Yet many will not look at it or even consider this for then we are considered hateful people. Of course the white man is automatically considered an oppressive person just by the color of their skin in America. It is awful and I welcome having a white pride parade. I fear in this nation that no one would come for it. Too many whimp mentalities and along with entitlement thinking, we have a nation of victims thinking the white man has kept them from all that the white man supposedly owns, and unfairly. As if we have not worked for it all??? Thanks for doing the parade and letting me know that it is not just America that has fallen to enforced diversity thinking and education. All things do NOT hold equal value yet in our nation that is what is being taught everywhere. Diversity education has ruined us and the world. May God have mercy on all of us!!!

  2. Welldone nf Wales !!!blood@hounor London Camden branch88 pc 28 nuttypaul
